Our Services:
Plumbing emergencies? We can fix that!
Are you looking for a reliable and affordable plumbing service? Our diagnostic service calls start at just $99.
We understand that every plumbing issue is unique, and that's why we take the time to understand the issue and provide expert solutions. We don’t come to sell you something, we come to fix the problem.
Want to upgrade your plumbing?
That old faucet just not working for you anymore? Your water heater not keeping up with your needs? Time to update your kitchen or bath? We can take care of that too!
With over 20 years of experience in the field, our expert plumber is dedicated to providing top-notch service that improves your plumbing, and hopefully, your life. Whether you have something in mind, or just want to know what the options are, we’ve got you covered.
Need advice or a second opinion?
Over the last few years, inflation and economic issues have increased the price of everything in our lives, including plumbing materials and service. If your unsure about a price from another company, we’re happy to share our knowledge and either put your mind at ease, or offer a more affordable solution.
Proudly owned and operated locally here in Utah!
“As a Master Plumber with over 20 years of experience in the field, I understand the good, the bad, and the ugly that modern plumbing can bring into our lives. But I’ve also learned that every plumbing problem has a solution, and I take pride in my ability to find it.”
— Todd Wright - Owner/operator of Kittyhawk Plumbing